Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Please take into consideration that I won’t always be “proper”, my grammar won’t always be right and my spelling won’t always be correct…But who cares, because I’m not perfect!

So let’s get in to the meat and potatoes


wanted to build one more connection for YOU to keep in contact with me, for whatever reason. Maybe you have a question about my character or maybe u wanna express ur feelings to me (if u r a girl) or you want to kick it on the server-- live for some gaming action which is most of d time CS 1.6 OR Whatever floats on your boat ......

Put my experiences on electronics media so dat once I die ...my childrens children would read my posts and understand ;what a Ch**tiyappa was he :-) :-)

Review my day-to-day bowel movements and other not so interesting things in my uneventfull life


Before I round off I should warn you.. I have absolutely zero experience with blogging. If you (unless u r not someone like THE infamous ,fashion savy Goan Politician "Micky Pacheco") have any constructive criticisms regarding my Future updates, please let me know (emphasis on constructive though. Be respective ;)). Also, if there are any particular topics you want me to write more about, let me know.

Till the next Update ,



Sagar Kamat said...

:)The real life Nazy would've stopped at the 1st sentence. But great! Looking forward to ur future chootiyapana

Keefe said...

WHOA!!!! Was tat french?? Nice.... may ur blog hav many more posts to come!!!!!
All the best!!!

P.S-I knew u wud include mickeys name sumwhere!!!

Nazarenu said...

thnx sagar , keefe

ya it is french ...